- Unlike other ask a question websites like Ask.fm that require you to register to ask and answer questions, this website is going to
allow anyone to ask and answer questions without any registration needed. Of course there will be an option to register and create an account,
so more options will be available if desired.
- Other ask question websites like Ask.fm won't allow you to discuss certain topics and share certain materials that may be offensive, inconsiderate or
inappropriate for their viewing audience, but here at AskAnony.com you will be able to discuss and share just about anything you want, as long as it's done
in the proper location.
- Anonymous users will have their questions asked and answers given connected to them for the duration of the session,
or as long as a cookie remains set, if cookies are allowed from AskAnony.com. Otherwise, as soon as you choose to clear the session or
close your browser, your session will end and you will lose connection to any posts you have made. Submitted questions and answers can be viewed
in the user section, as long as the session id remains the same, just as a registered user would.
- Registered users will still be able to ask and answer questions anonymously, but they won't
be truly anonymous, because a record of all activity will be connected to an account.
- There will be an all ages viewing section, as well as an under 13 and an 18+ section to ask and answer questions.
- Keep in mind however, there is really no such thing as
truly anonymous activity online, because everything that is posted online goes through NSA and other intelligence gathering companies as soon as
it goes through your ISP. So even if you are using an encrypted browser like TOR and hiding behind a VPN, your activity can still be monitored. So
be careful of what you post, no matter how you are choosing to visit.
- Anything shared here that is illegal or shows criminal behavior can be used against you and AskAnony.com will not hesitate to hand over such materials and necessary
information if asked to so by the authorities.